This course is designed to help you extend your knowledge of specialist transfusion science practice, providing the theoretical knowledge that underpins specialist transfusion investigations, associated practical techniques and their application. This course will give an insight into the specialist techniques that are utilised in the NHSBT Red Cell Immunohaematology laboratories to investigate complex cases, and will give attendees the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a case-based approach.
This 5-day course is structured to deliver knowledge using a combination of virtual classroom teaching over Zoom (Part 1 – 3 days), together with practical laboratory-based teaching in the training laboratory (Part 2 – 2 days).
If you are an NHS England Employee refer to NHS Course Booking information before enrolling onto a course.
If you are interested in courses taking place in the next financial year, please view our future dates and request to be added to our waiting list.
Attendees should be HCPC-registered Biomedical Scientists or Healthcare Scientists working in an NHSBT laboratory or a hospital transfusion laboratory, experienced in routine transfusion science practice and ready to progress to, or already working at, a specialist level.
This course is specifically designed for those working towards the following transfusion science qualifications:
And is aimed at HCPC-registered Biomedical Scientists or Healthcare Scientists with a minimum of one-year transfusion laboratory experience, or transfusion specialists returning to work after a career break.
To attend this course, you must have a sound understanding of safe laboratory practice and one of the following:
If you do not fit into one of these categories, then please contact to discuss which transfusion science course best fits your needs.
Be able to relate laboratory procedures to the appropriate specialist theoretical knowledge and describe the underpinning theoretical principles of the following transfusion science topics:
Understand laboratory investigations for:
The course content provides detailed understanding of the theoretical principles of a range of specialist transfusion science topics and relates practical procedures used in hospital and specialist transfusion laboratories to theoretical principles
Utilising data and case studies the programme covers:
The Specialist Transfusion Science Practice course is a 5-day programme.
There are 3 days of virtual classroom teaching over Zoom, presenting opportunity for the application of theory to case-based exercises and providing facilitated learning and group discussion.
There are 2 days of face-to-face, practical laboratory-based teaching in a training laboratory.
Please ensure that you have received an email confirming your enrolment and Joining Instructions for accessing the Brightspace e-learning platform. The Zoom link for the virtual classroom sessions will be posted in Announcements in Brightspace prior to the course starting. If you have any problems in accessing Brightspace or the Zoom virtual classroom, then please email
As this is a two-part course you MUST ensure you book a part 1 (Online/Theory) session that is BEFORE a part 2 (Practical) session. Bookings that are made with part 2 first will be cancelled and you will be asked to rebook following the above instructions.
When you are booking your part one and part two booking should be within 3 months of each other. If this isn't possible for any reason, please contact us directly on where one of our team will assist.
Please Contact Us if you have any questions.